Monday, May 2, 2011

Word of the Day: Sough

  verb (used without object)

1.) to make a rushing, rustling, or murmuring sound: the wind soughing in the meadow.

2.) Scot. and North England . to speak, especially to preach, in a whining, singsong voice. 

Definition courtesy of

So I'm contemplating stepping out and actually following in my father's footsteps and trying to... gasp... travel.  In favor of small steps I bought a National Geographic magazine called100 Journeys of a Lifetime.  In perusing this beautiful magazine I found myself drawn to a picture of a killer whale popping up out of the water amid stunning icebergs in Antarctica.  At the end of the brief article I found this beautiful sentence regarding the cruises:  "Conditions on board the ice-reinforce cruise vessels are comfortable, but for the true experience of these waters, you have to wrap up and go on deck, where you feel the frosty grip of the air on your face and hear the sounds of ice creaking, birds crying, and the polar wind soughing in the rigging."  Le sigh.  I love learning new words. 

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