Friday, April 22, 2011

Elephant Duo

So the answer to the burning question posed yesterday...

What is this? 

Let me give you a hint.  The sole value of this object is symbolic.

I've become rather enamored with close up photography.  This is a close up of this object with its mate.  Have I told you I have a very active imagination? 

Lets zoom out a little further.  Can you guess what these two things are?  I think the trunks should give it away, but in case it hasn't...

Let me introduce my elephants.  It's hard to see in this picture, but the carved elephant actually has a tiny carved baby elephant inside her.  I keep them in my kitchen, a little trio, a little family.  I like to surround myself with images that encourage me and my family of elephants encourage me, much like the orchid in my kitchen. 

I also like elephants because they remind me of Ganesh, the Indian deity, remover of Obstacles.  I have several effigies of this deity around my house.  I have succumbed to his legend.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm endeared to elephants, too! They are matriarchal and intensely protective of their young and vulnerable! They grieve when one of their pack dies. Their power and intelligence...their sensitivity and gentleness inspire me!!!!
