Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Little Girls

I never intended to have a small dog.  Nope.  Small dogs bark too much, are hyper, needy, clingy and make you look like a bad Paris Hilton knock off.  So, guess what.  I now have two little dogs, a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian.  (Yeah, I'm a huge hit with tough guys.)  It doesn't get much more high maintenance "pocketbook dog" than those two breeds.  And let me tell you I LOVE them.  I still wouldn't ever pick a little dog on my own, but I cannot imagine my life without my Little Girls. They chose me. So without further ado let me introduce them.

Now....watch the bag... 

Watch the bag.....
Keep watching....
Wait for it....
Tada!!!  That is my Lilly.  She loves crawling inside Oliver's food bags and licking the inside.  She is the epitome of a scavenger.  I don't need a vacuum with her around. 

This is Lilly standing up on a half wall in the backyard trying to lick me across the six food distance.  Her tongue is out in a lot of the pictures I have of her.  I have no idea why.  Bless her.

Now... to introduce Ket.  She is my little wild one.  You should see her when she lets herself go crazy and race circles around the house.  Her back toes nearly get caught in her ears. 

The big looming shadow in the background is Oliver.  I'll introduce him later.  That milky white pup in the foreground is Ket.

That's my girl sunbathing.  She looks more her natural color here, which is less milky white and more dusty cream.

Here Ket pretends to be asleep in the hopes I won't remove her from my pillow

I love my dogs. And no, I don't dress them up in strange clothing and parade them around, or take them to restaurants in a little bag that looks like my purse.  I might occasionally be guilty of talking to them in a baby-voice when I am alone though.  Don't tell.  It would be highly embarrassing if anyone knew.  Besides.  There is scientific evidence that looking at babies or creatures that have baby features releases oxytocin, a bonding chemical, in brains, especially womens' brains.  So my little dogs have neoteny which makes them, even as adults, trigger my bonding chemicals.  I didn't stand a chance.

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