Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Things That Go Thump In The Night

I know, right?  This sounds like the beginning of a story about some crazy noise that woke me up in the middle of the night, scared me half to death, and then turned out to be benign. 

Or maybe it’s the story of that time several years ago when someone tried to break into my house three nights in a row.  Heaven help me if I ever have children and have to listen on the phone as they tell me not once, but three times, that someone tried to break in to their apartment. Shout out to my mom and dad!

Better yet, this could be a hilarious post on me stubbing my toe or banging my hip into something as I stumble around half asleep in the dark.  Nix that. Not funny at all. 

But this post isn't any of those things.  This is a tender post.

Last night as I sleepily walked to the bathroom I heard what I realized is one of my favorite sounds in the world.   

The soft thump-thump of Oliver’s tail as I went past him.  It doesn’t seem to matter what hour I wake up, walk to the bathroom, yawn, or sleepily role over…this dog is attuned to me… and he thumps his tail on the ground, just once or twice, to let me know he’s there and he loves me more than I deserve (especially as I haven’t walked him or taken him to the dog park in at least two weeks, poor Big Guy).  I could cry just thinking about how much I love him in return.

Even if he threw up a pair of my underwear whole at the kennel once and they had to call to tell me about it.  Humiliating!

Yeah, I love this dog...

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