Thursday, March 31, 2011

Word of the Day: Stymie


1. Golf . (on a putting green) an instance of a ball's lying on a direct line between the cup and the ball of an opponent about to putt.
2. a situation or problem presenting such difficulties as to discourage or defeat any attempt to deal with or resolve it.


3. to hinder, block, or thwart.

Definition courtesy of

Tonight my writing feels stymied.  All humor has fled.  I would like to crawl in bed with milk and cookies. (Yes, I eat in bed... even things that make crumbs... so wrong isn't it?)   

I almost hit one of my clients with my car today.  She stepped out into a cross walk in front of me.  Tucson is a very small town at times and having been in the behavioral health business for three years now I recognize a lot of people here.  Anyways.  She stepped in front of my car at a random intersection in town. I slammed the brakes.  Without even a glance up she kept going: a tiny, bird-boned little creature whose hair always looks like a child had taken scissors to the raggedy ends.  I wanted to hop out and shake her because 1.) she scared me and 2.) she prostitutes herself to buy heroine.  All attempts to help her have been stymied.  When I saw her last, before today, she hugged me tightly and thanked me for caring enough to come check on her.  It was like hugging a dead person, all skin and bones.  I try not to think about what happens to her when she's not safely in sight. Today she looked like she was on a mission.  I didn't want to know.

I wish I had a funny hook to end this with...

...but I don't.

Don't worry, I had a good day.  Sometimes I just feel a little sad.  The remnants of my job.  Now off to feed the dogs, read a book, and maybe, if I'm lucky (and I am lucky, and more than a little blessed)... have some milk and cookies.

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