Friday, April 1, 2011

Things I Learned Today

1.)  Apparently my dogs don't eat when I am not home.  This morning was rushed.  I fed them, left them to go to a meeting, came back to let them out to potty, left again.  Didn't check the food bowls.  Got home. All three food bowls are untouched.  Within five minutes of me being home everybody, including me, was chowing down.  The way my dogs eat you'd think it was a speed sport and I'm always home over their meal times so I was shocked that they didn't inhale their food with or without me. 

2.)  In case you were worried I was chowing down on dog food here is the second thing I learned today.  I can make a pretty good pineapple smoothie.  
                            1C. Kefir
                            6 to 8 ice cubes
                            6 chunks fresh pineapple
                            Blend until smooth. YUM! 

3.) Even though my entire job is working with people who have tried to kill themselves, are threatening to kill themselves, hearing voices and a danger to themselves, doing drugs and a danger to themselves, or threatening someone else…yes, even though my entire job is working with these people, I actually rarely see someone who I really believe is going to hurt themselves or someone else.  Today I learned that it still really scares me when I do see someone who I think is going to do hurt themselves or someone else.  Good to know.    

4.)  I really, really like Graham Crackers dipped in milk even though as a child I would scoff at my Dad whenever he suggested I eat them as a healthy alternative to cookies.  

5.)  Making numbered lists in my blog is harder than I expected. 

6.) My coworkers think about me when they see animals in need.  

This is how horribly skinny Ket was when I found her.  

 This is Ravi, a super cute kitten I fostered a while ago.  

Now back to my list.  Where was I?  Oh yes...

6.) My coworkers think about me when they see animals in need.  

7.)  Or when they see a cute guy.

8.)  And especially when they see a cute guy helping an animal in need.  

When I got into the office today my one coworker said “Oooh!  I thought of you today.  I saw two dogs running around near traffic and was trying to figure out how to turn around and get to the other side of the street to help them when I got distracted by a really cute guy walking down the sidewalk.  Then he stopped to help the dogs and I thought I’d found the perfect guy for you.  Since my front window doesn’t roll down I didn’t get to shout your phone number to him as I rolled past, but….”  

Nice to know my coworkers seriously consider giving my number to random strangers...hmm…   

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