Friday, April 8, 2011


This is me looking furtively around before saying anything.  Listen to me lowering my voice to a desperate whisper before confiding this in you. I am leaning close, almost crying, and telling you that yesterday…

…oh goodness I can’t say it… but…yesterday I… I…. I…..


Sorry, didn’t mean to yell that close to your ear. But really, I wanted you to experience some of my trauma. 

Yes folks, it is official. I found my first gray hair.  Yikes.  I’ve been letting my hair grow in its natural color because I figured at thirty it would be good to actually remember what my natural color used to be.  I’ve dyed my hair so many colors (everything but blonde, I would be an awful blonde) I’d forgotten everything except a few baby pictures where I have pretty golden brown hair.   Let me just say that now that I’ve grown it in, I’m no longer impressed with my natural color.   

That golden brown baby hair is gone.  Now it’s kind of murky brown.  Like a stirred up mud puddle.  Not sexy.  But it’s nice not to have to bother with dyeing my hair so I was going to just deal with being a little mousey.   

But now this gray hair thing happened….

I’ve always promised myself I would try and age gracefully, probably even let my hair gray when it came time. Have gracious laugh lines around my eyes. Ha!  Easy to say as a golden haired 19 year old!  But now that this is coming to pass I think I’m going straight to the store for hair dye. 

In fact, since I don’t like my natural color anyways lets go right now and pick something… crazy.   

I’ll go red again.  Everyone thought red was sexy and feisty when I had it.   This was one of my favorite colors... though kind of hard to maintain.  Look at that side swoop all hiding my eye and stuff.

Or maybe black, which makes me look moody and provocative. And check out those bangs and that camera angle that actually makes me look like I have cheek bones.  Kinda.  Sorta. 

 Ha!  Look at that one.  Short pig-tails and fuchsia undertones.  Wow, I'd forgotten this look.  

Hey look at that one.  Shy with a sweat stained Superman hat.  I love that hat.   Best hair day ever.

Okay, back to colors.  How about burnt-coffee with some striking highlights?  Although I don't think I'm going to go short again. Look at that vampiric complexion. 

Butter-caramel with some pretty low-lights?   Toffee with layers?  Cinnamon-spice with shaggy bangs? Cookies and milk with … oh wait, I’m getting distracted again. 

 He he.  This one is my favorite.  Camping-hair-bug-in-face color.  

Then again.   Perhaps I'll just go with a nice brown, a little richer than my own true puddle, and a little clearer.  

Uhoh. I think I’m mixing my metaphors again. I've been looking at too many pictures of myself where I'm pouting my lips, holding the camera just so, and praying for a good shot.  

Ugh. Dang gray hair.


  1. Oh, Krista, I loved this! Sorry about the gray.:( I'm with you. However I am way past the first one. I've been thinking of trying to dye it too. I enjoyed all these pictures. You have beautiful hair -whatever color you choose. :) I'm not sure I've ever seen you with short hair. I liked it that way too. P.S. Just stay away from elastic waistband pants and loafers...

  2. Oh honey child!! Your first gray hair??!!! Seems like I should have been present for the occassion!! So, go for "cinnamon toast with carmel highlights" or whatever it was. I hate to tell you this...but your mama has had gray hair since early thirties and I've never,ever stopped coloring it. (I like the sound of "coloring" as opposed to "dyeing.")And, no intentions of stopping any time soon. I have many dear friends who have gray hair, but at this time, it's not for me. Don't know exactly what will make it "the right time."
    I LOVE seeing these photos and hearing your ruminations on hair color!!! Makes me smile and LOVE YOU ohhh so very much!!
    And, one more thing...don't you wish for "more followers?" I'd love your Aunt Twila to read your blog. She'd enjoy it immensely...especially this hair one!!!

  3. Thanks Sabrina! :) And I will stay away from elastic and loafers...

    And I love you too mom!
