Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Word of the Day: Hiemel


of or pertaining to winter; wintry.

Definition courtesy of Dictionary.com.

The hiemel  weather is gone.  Tucson has come into its warm days, cool nights season.  One of my favorite times here.  Then again, everything but the coldest days here are my favorite times here.  I love Tucson, warts and all. 

I think about Tucson a lot.  It's an imperfect town.  We are fiftieth in the nation for mental health care for people.  Don't do much better in education.  And yet, where there is most need, theoretically, there is the most ability to help.  Right?  Goodness I sound rather blindly optimistic.

Last night I was talking with some people about the scam artist's in mental health system.  The people who go to the hospital too much, or use the hospital as a homeless shelter of sorts, or milk social security.  We got onto the topic of cuts to benefits though and I found myself saying something about how I would rather support the scam artist's than let one honest person go hungry.

Then we got into philosophy mind games:  "If there was one person who was honest and nine scam artist's would you still feel this way?  What if there was one person who was honest and fifty scam artist's?  How many scam artist's would it take for you to feel the system is broken?"

The answer?  I don't know.  I have faces to go with both sides.  I work with scam artists who make my blood boil.  I work with little old ladies who fall through the floors on their rotting trailers.  My desire to stick it to the scam artists is just as strong as my urge to protect and help the little old ladies. 

Ugh.  It makes my brain hurt.  I'm going to go make pancakes... nothing like the ostrich approach to a difficult question...


...mmm, pancakes are yummy.

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