Sunday, April 17, 2011

Things Are Not As They Seem

Having started this blog I am now prone to take pictures of anything and everything.  Not like I didn't do this before, as exemplified by the hippo butt in the last post, but that is beside the point.  The point is that the blog makes me look at things differently.  Sometimes, this can lead to disappointment. 

In Santa Barbara recently for my school (I go do an intensive three day session there every three weeks) I stopped at a store to pick up some much needed school supplies (i.e. Pringles and Gatorade) when I saw something pink and pretty poking out from behind some bushes. 

It looked flowery and just a bit fairy-tale-esque and lured me around the corner by building a fantasy of little birds and singing mice frolicking under its cherry-blossom glow. 

Now most of you have probably already noticed the unnaturalness of this "tree."  I, however, caught in the magical sparkling of the pink "flowers" couldn't quite place what was wrong with this picture. 

Until I really looked at the very metallic nature of the trunk of the tree.  Oh how disappointed I was that I had not stumbled into some Disney movie with magic glimmering trees. But then I decided that for a sculpture in a random place, this was pretty cool. 

Yeah, inspiration escapes me today.  But hey, no hippos. 

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